The idea behind “Blackbird” is to show what could become of our world if everyone was suddenly rich.
I believe that a computer virus could cause the next world war, by attacking the most basic ways in which our society functions. What would happen if everyone suddenly had so much money that money becomes worthless? Would those who do their jobs only for the pay return to work? Would those who love their jobs, then, even be able to return to work?
My personal hope is that society would revert back to how it began. We would return to trade, before currency existed, and slowly rebuild a harmonious environment that we could all equally thrive in. But in this film, I am facing the reality of that world, as I see it. Could the tragically hierarchical world we live in today really survive this fall?
What happen to world when James and Miles cross a city sign saying: “WELCOME TO THE FREE WORLD, NO MONEY, NO BORDERS AND NO RELIGION”
Lars Mikkelsen has the perfect look and character for the role of James. Henrik A. Meyer has worked with Lars on feature films and TV-Series in Denmark.
A beautiful, colorful rooster for the role
of Rambo.
Pierce Gagnon is the perfect reference for
the role of Miles.
Henrik A. Meyer found himself drawn to the camera at the age of 10 when he first started taking pictures,
which turned into a lifelong passion for photography. Mr. Meyer took his first cinematography course at
age 21, and he loved it so much that he moved to the USA in 1996, where he worked at Panavision LA
and completed further cinematography courses. In 2010, he graduated from film school in New York City
and received a diploma in Cinematography.
Mr. Meyer has collaborated closely with some of the most talented, award-winning cinematographers and
directors in Denmark. In over 15 years as a 1st AC, he has worked on three International Emmy®
Award-winning series, including UNIT 1 and FORSVAR with acclaimed director Niels Arden Oplev (director of
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, Swedish version). His extensive experience as a 1st AC allowed him
to learn many skills that he holds today as a director of photography.
Mr. Meyer´s career as cinematographer has encompassed narrative features, shorts, documentaries, music
videos and commercials. MEDICINE MEN won 4 awards of excellence, was an official selection for the Short
Film Corner 2012 at Festival de Cannes, and has played in festivals around the world. CIGARETTE was
selected for several festivals around the world. Mr. Meyer is also an accomplished still photographer, and has
traveled around the globe to 36 countries and has won awards for his travel photography.
Henrik A. Meyer's showreel: